You are not alone on this journey with your beautiful, magical, inspiring, and, yes, challenging child. We are with you...
For Our Special Kids is a podcast for parents, caregivers, family, and friends living a life that only few understand, walking a path that few journey down, and loving a child that few will see with pure joy.
Do you see a healer? Not a medical-Western-doctor type healer but an energy healer? Someone who does things you can’t explain but gives you answers that don’t need to be explained? Finding these people to interact with your energy, …
I have never in 48 years taken a trip with no other purpose than connecting with myself. Yes, I have gone to classes and spent nights away from my family. I've had plenty of work trips that took me across …
This morning, I had a BAD morning. Last night, I had a BAD night. Here’s the situation, I am single parenting this week…and next week, as Alex is in London for a conference and then will do another week of …