Do you see a healer? Not a medical-Western-doctor type healer but an energy healer? Someone who does things you can’t explain but gives you answers that don’t need to be explained? Finding these people to interact with your energy, …
I have never in 48 years taken a trip with no other purpose than connecting with myself. Yes, I have gone to classes and spent nights away from my family. I've had plenty of work trips that took me across the pond for a few nights. And, I even spe…
This morning, I had a BAD morning. Last night, I had a BAD night. Here’s the situation, I am single parenting this week…and next week, as Alex is in London for a conference and then will do another week of meetings with companies. It&…
When do you connect with your child? When is easiest? When is it hardest? How do you connect with them? First and foremost, the hardest time for me to connect with Teal is when she is hurting or extremely frustrated. Normally this is when her,…
In my class with Maureen Burford, we are currently working on our 2nd chakra. This is what Ellen Tadd refers to as the Identity Chakra. This chakra focuses on many things but the area I want to discuss today is balance. In her books, Ellen describes…
In a recent conversation with my mom (we were recording an episode for the podcast), she reminded me of the importance of 5 things. Years ago, I would wake up each morning and write 5 things that I was grateful for in a notebook next to my bed…
I am currently in a class with Maureen Burford from Creative Lives called Foundations 1. We meet each Tuesday via Zoom to discuss the assigned chapters in two books by Ellen Tadd: The Wisdom of the Chakras and A Framework for Wise Education. This is…
As a special needs mama...this says it all. I hope you can find the joy, love, tears, and inspiration that I found in this video. Neither of us is better than the other. We each get to be exactly…
In my episode with Lenora Edwards, an online speech therapist, she used the word powerful to describe a child with special needs. She added to her word, however...and it was the extra commentary that made all the difference. We all become more powe…