When do you connect with your child? When is easiest? When is it hardest? How do you connect with them?
First and foremost, the hardest time for me to connect with Teal is when she is hurting or extremely frustrated. Normally this is when her, and my, emotions are running high. In addition to the elevated emotions, I often get a physical response from Teal. She may swat or shake or kick. You all have experienced it. And in those moments, it is so hard to determine exactly what they need. My discernment is very low during this time.
I so desperately wish she could talk…to tell me what she needs. I hear myself saying, “Just show me what’s wrong.” And, I often hear myself saying back, “I’m sorry I don’t understand. I don’t know what you need.”
That’s your cue! When you hear yourself saying that to your child, take note. Pause, breathe and implement this very quick process.
- Ground. Feel yourself on the ground. Whatever part of you is touching the floor, acknowledge it and feel it more. Connect to something stable.
- Open your crown chakra. Connect to the higher realms of energy. Open your crown and reach up with your energy. You may feel the top of your head get lighter. You may direct violet or golden light out of the top of your head into the heavens. Know that you are connecting with higher answers.
- See a gorgeous light blue color surrounding your throat and awaken your energy there. Know that you can communicate and you can hear what is needed.
- Finally, open your heart. Reach your heart energy into your child’s heart energy. See the light connecting you both. Then, reach energetic open palms out to their heart energy.
- Now listen and feel.
This process should be quick…60 seconds or less.
Now, if nothing happens at first, please do not despair. This, like any new skill, takes time to develop. The neural pathways need to be built and strengthened. It is important to practice when the stress and emotion is not high. Practice when you don’t need the answer, when your child isn’t hurting or frustrated.
One way to begin building this “muscle memory” is by practicing after you put your child to bed at night. Just go through the process in your mind and imagine it working. Imagine it being easy. Imagine the energetic packets of information coming from your child into you. It will happen. And, the more you practice when the need is low, the easier it will be when the need is high.
You also may consider holding a crystal or using an essential oil to enhance your practice.
Crystals to consider include blue stones for communication. I love angelite for a spiritual connection with enhanced communication. While the experts don’t list this one as a good stone for telepathy, I find it perfect. It’s peaceful and healing and gentle. When I think about connecting with Teal, those are the feelings I want. It also helps you to connect with your angel team…and I believe that Teal’s higher self is part of my angel team. So, this is a win-win for me. Other blue stones to consider are lapis lazuli or kyanite. Rose quartz is all about love. Opening our heart is a must when communicating with our non-verbal children. Pink opal is also wonderful for enhancing your motherly connection. Clear quartz and amethyst are wonderful for boosting your intuitive connection and help with the crown chakra.
Essential oils to consider might include the InTune blend from dōTERRA®. I put this directly on my 3rd eye. Use rose oil for its extremely high vibration. To use our energy to communicate, our vibration must be high. Rose can help elevate you.
You may try the tree oils as they will help with grounding. If you feel too much stress, the tree oils can do wonders to lower the stress and get you connected with yourself before reaching out to another. Frankincense is another incredibly powerful oil for self-love and overall healing. I love frankincense for all things spiritual…heck, I just love frankincense for all things! Peppermint and lemon can awaken your mind and help with clarity. Sage, clary sage, and rosemary are wonderful for wisdom and remembering. All so important when connecting with your child!
Remember, the next time you hear yourself saying, “I’m sorry, honey. Mommy just doesn’t understand what you want.” Put the above steps into play and believe that you can easily connect with your baby!
My love,
If you’d like more information, please contact me at jen@ForOurSpecialKids.com. You can also visit http:/www.mydoterra.com/jenniferlansink to learn more about oils, add to your collection, and get fun recipes.