Do you see a healer? Not a medical-Western-doctor type healer but an energy healer? Someone who does things you can’t explain but gives you answers that don’t need to be explained? Finding these people to interact with your energy, your spirit, your soul, or perhaps of your child, isn’t as simple as Google searching…”Energy healer in my area.” It takes word of mouth, referrals, personal experiences, confidence in friends. That is how I found Nick Mallett.
I was interviewing Kelley Coleman, author of Everything No One Tells You About Parenting a Disabled Child, for an upcoming podcast and at the end we moved our chat into energy healers, intuition, woo-woo, etc. She says, “Oh you need to meet Nick.”
After our recording, she sends me a name and number of a man that doesn’t advertise…to my knowledge. I don’t think he has a website. When we talk, I don’t even get specifics as to what he’ll do. All good…this is why you take advice and referrals from friends. Trust.
When we connect on the phone, I find out he doesn’t really make appointments. Now, for an appointment girl like me, this was probably the most challenging part. I couldn’t plan my schedule around him? He said something to the effect of, “I just go with the flow most days and I do whatever feels good.” Now, right there is a good lesson for me whether or not I ever connected with him for an energy healing. Go with the flow! The astrological year of 2024 would really vibe with that sentiment. Let go of control!
So, what do I do…I mark my calendar (ha) to call him at 9:11 PT which is 11:11 CT Monday to see if he was free for a healing. Note the angel number of 11:11.
I eventually hook up with him on the phone and he basically dives right in. He asks me to stand up, drink some water, get comfortable, relax my knees and then starts energetically scanning my body over the phone. Or at least that’s what I thought he was doing. Alas, I just went with the flow.
About 3 seconds into my body scan, he starts giving me phrases to say. I was instructed to say them outload, 3x. Each statement started with “I release all _______ and _______ releases me.” After which he would give me an verbal “knod” and then I would hear light language affirming what my body was releasing.
Here were some examples:
“I release all guilt and guilt releases me.” x3
“I release all remorse and remorse releases me.” x3
“I release all toxicity and toxicity releases me.” x3
“I release all inflammation and inflammation releases me.” x3
“I release all banishment and banishment releases me.” x3
“I release all grief and grief releases me.” x3
Many of these statements caught in my throat. The grief statement made me cry. Actually, many of them made me cry.
Grief, Guilt, Remorse, Comparison, Judgment…
The curious part about making these statements 3x was that by the time I got to the 3rd statement, I could feel my body and my emotions release. My voice changed as well. By the 3rd time, I bought in. I could feel “it” going away. I could feel “it” releasing.
I had no idea I was holding on to so much emotion, so much sadness. But as I made the statements, I honored them. I honored the emotion. And, I found myself being kinder to myself with each statement. Acknowledging that we carry negativity inside ourselves is a good thing. Acknowledging that life isn’t always grand…is a good thing. Being truthful and honest with ourselves gives us the freedom to release it.
The next morning during meditation I found myself making some statements again. Things that perhaps crept back in during the day prior.
What do you need to release? What needs to release its hold on you?
Take a moment and sit with these questions. Be kind as the answers come in. And make your own statements 3x. Feel what happens.
UPDATE: I spoke with Nick before publishing this blog.
- What he does is called Quantum Energy Healing!
- He checked in with me the day after to see how Teal and I were doing (I neglected to mention that he worked on both of us. I suppose that’s another post). Turns out we were (and still are 2 days later) both quite sick. This, I know from other healings, is quite normal as your body processes and releases that which needs to be freed. The really wonderful part is that he did a few things energetically to help Teal and me because…because it’s the nicest thing to do. Made me feel like we were important…not just clients. And, that is something you don’t always see these days.
- He also may be working on a place to put his testimonials. I’ll be writing one for sure…maybe he’ll even link this post to his website?
- Thanks, Nick…if you read this!