I am currently in a class with Maureen Burford from Creative Lives called Foundations 1. We meet each Tuesday via Zoom to discuss the assigned chapters in two books by Ellen Tadd: The Wisdom of the Chakras and A Framework for Wise Education. This is like a graduate level class...we have mandatory writing each week. And since I'm writing for Maureen, I thought I'd share my thoughts with you.
My primary focus over the past week with Teal was to be more aware of my crown chakra (7th) to then be open to her crown chakra (7th).
When I slowed down throughout the day to feel my crown chakra, I noticed that mornings were a tough time for me to feel open and inspired. The stress of the morning, the schedule, the time constraints, the lack of control over a 7-year-old all contributed to a closed chakra.
Then, I remembered that inspirational music is a great way to “pop the crown” open. Alex had played “Thunder” by Imagine Dragons one morning in place of my standard Mozart…much to my dismay. However, when looking back on that experience, I felt lighter, more free, bouncy, and energized. So, there I was asking Alexa to play “Thunder.” And I immediately began bouncing up and down, dancing around the kitchen feeling the top of my head lift off. Success!
I also want to be more aware of Teal's crown chakra. So, after taking my time this morning to meditate and automatic write, which opens my crown and sets me on a great path for the day, I went upstairs to wake up Teal. That’s when I realized I had a chance to help Teal open her crown before she even got out of bed.
For whatever reason this morning, Teal was very groggy. Slow to get up and certainly not her normal smiley self at 7 am. She wanted to cuddle longer than normal and wouldn’t get out of bed when I asked her. Now, I normally would have just picked her up out of bed and said frankly, “We gotta get going, Teal.” I would have taken control and forced her to get out of bed and start her day.
However, today, I realized I had a choice in helping her to start her day from a better place. When she asked me to cuddle. I cuddled. I did a few things with the comforter that I know she loves and makes her smile. I slowly tickled my fingers up her body to help wake her up. I held her with no intention other than to feel her sweet body against mine softly breathing. And that’s when I felt her smile. I felt her begin to wake up her crown and find joy in the morning.
Such an easy way to let go of control to give her a better morning.
And, to take it a step further, when I put on Thunder this morning, she asked me telepathically to put Mozart back on. I find this very interesting. Her Crown must like Mozart better than Imagine Dragons. I’m glad I was present enough with her to hear her message.