Sept. 12, 2023

Your Superpower!

Your Superpower!

In my episode with Lenora Edwards, an online speech therapist, she used the word powerful to describe a child with special needs. She added to her word, however...and it was the extra commentary that made all the difference.

We all become more powerful because of these children. We must. We become better parents, better listeners, better interpreters, better influencers, better humans. 

There is another side to this power. Perhaps a not-so-obvious power. A power that comes through weakness. Vulnerability. A perspective that comes from having a softer view of the world. A more gentle approach to the life we live with our children. 

I am a very independent person. I am fierce. I am quite dominant when life demands it. I can command a room. I win games. I keep score. But, I was brought to my knees with the birth of this child. I was reminded of life's fragility. I was, and still am, aware that some of our most powerful moments are the quiet ones, the non-verbal ones.  I am my best and most powerful when I connect to something far beyond me. I am most powerful when I let go and go within myself to see the true power of my soul.

Is there a spiritual power that comes as a result of having a child that requires more...but also is more? Teal has spiritual superpowers. She is a spiritual superpower. And, she has made me aware of my own superpowers. You see, we all have them. We simply must let our children with "extra-special needs" open our eyes to the spiritual power within.

When you can't speak, you must grow in different ways. You must learn to communicate with your eyes and your heart and your mind. Do you know someone who is telepathic? See...a superpower.

When you can't see, you must grow in different ways. You must learn to see through your heart and your hands. Do you know someone who sees clearly with their heart or feels deeply with their 3rd chakra? See...a superpower.

When you can't hear, you must grow in different ways. You must learn to hear with your eyes, hands. Do you know someone who hears the music by simply being in the room? See...a superpower.

Take a moment and consider your child's superpower. Is she telepathic? Is he the candle in the room? Does she know something before it is clear to others? And then, take a moment to consider your own. 

Superpowers...we all have them.