Aug. 1, 2022

Limiting Toxins & Boosting Immunity with Kate Rose

Limiting Toxins & Boosting Immunity with Kate Rose

Kate Rose provides lots of in depth information and scientific research regarding 4 toxins, fluoride, glyphosate, EMFs (5G), and aluminum, that she recommends we investigate further to determine the best approaches to health and wellness for your family.

Kate Rose gives us lots of easy solutions you can quickly implement in your home. Check out the show notes for the links she mentions in our discussion.

I hope you enjoy!

Kate Rose provides lots of in depth information and scientific research regarding 4 toxins, fluoride, glyphosate, EMFs (5G), and aluminum, that she recommends we investigate further to determine the best approaches to health and wellness for your family.

We examine how neurological development can be inhibited by these toxins and natural ways to decrease our exposure. 
Do you know what's in your laundry room and how it is impacts your home?  
What does research say about toxins in our toothpaste, infant formula, and water?  We also have an interesting dialogue around natural birth, breastfeeding, and donated breast milk.

It's a pretty intense episode!  I hope you enjoy. 

To reach Kate Rose and learn more:

Kate Rose's Article on Immunity is at

Additional Resources:
Fluoride Action Network:
Moms Across America:
Dr. Chris Exley:
Product Toxin Levels can be found at