Mama Systems with Laura Hernandez

This Amazing Mom of 10 children just happens to also run a company called Mama Systems where she helps mamas create and implement strategies and systems to help them create more space and peace in their homes.
In this episode I am excited to introduce you to this amazing mom and all sorts of creative ways she has helped moms across the country create a little more love and peace within their life and home.
In this episode, Jen gets way out of her comfort zone. Over the past 6 months she has shared quite a bit about her family, her life, and Teal with you. You may have realized that she likes to be spontaneous. It is true. So, today, Laura Hernandez pushes Jen to think differently about how she runs her life and her family’s life. Laura pushes Jen to look at her patterns, priorities, systems (or lack thereof) and her rhythms.
Laura provides lots of simple ways to add some peace to your heart and space in your home.
To Access her Free Classes go to or Mama Systems Self Care Guide
Reach out to Laura on Instagram or Facebook go to:
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Laura Hernandez
Laura Hernandez and her husband, Tony are raising ten children in the Dallas area. In the past four and a half years they have added six new children to their family... three biologically and three through adoption.
Going from four to ten kids was hard work. And, on top of having a large family, they are also not your "typical" family. They have three kiddos in public school, we are homeschooling five kids, and - with three kiddos having special needs - they have over 20 appointments weekly.
Laura had to figure out what worked for THEM. Books didn't have the perfect answers. How could they manage all of their logistics, and to-do's and make time to intentionally instill the ideals that our family values? It took her years to develop systems and life hacks to keep the family running and organized. But after creating systems that helped the family run smoothly, it reduced Laura's daily workload and their house became a place of peace... yes, even with 10 kids!
Out of these years of hard work, Mama Systems was born. Laura wants to save other Mamas the pain she went through to figure it out on her own. She wants to bring more peace to their homes by coaching them through ideas, schedules, incentives, chores, and delegating.