Teal is the inspiration for this podcast. 

Teal isn't freely walking yet.  She isn't fully talking yet. 

She's extremely mobile and extremely communicative. She gets to where she needs to be in her own way.  Teal makes many words and phrases. We just don't always understand them. She's a master at communicating what she wants and how she wants it and who she wants it from.  

Teal is an Empath.

Teal is a Healer.

Teal is Telepathic. 

She is an extremely Old Soul.

Teal sees the world in a very different way. In her world, there are more colors, more vibrations, more laughter, and far more joy. 

Teal has opened my eyes to the magic and the wonder of this world we live in. And I truly hope one day she can come on this podcast with me to share her story. I know it's one worth waiting for…